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PSYC3430 Psychology of Language

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Course Review By Teaching Professors

Course Reviews on PSYC3430 Psychology of Language

Shared by Anonymous


Professor: Tomohiro Inoue

Course Description
This course is an introduction to the psychological study of language, which is called
psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics is part of the larger field of cognitive science, and integrates
methods from psychology, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, and neuroscience. The
questions we are mainly interested in are: How is language being used? Which cognitive processes
are involved when we use language in spoken and written form? How are these processes similar or
different between languages? How does language ability develop in children? Which brain
mechanisms underlie language?
30% Midterm exam (30 MCQs, 5 Fill-in-the-blank Questions)
40% Final exam (55 MCQs, 10 Fill-in-the-blank Questions)
25% Group Presentation (Present a summary of a research study + Brainstorm some extra questions that points out future directions for research, application in our lives, or methodological flaw; Time limit: 30 minutes)
5% Tutorial Participation (Ask questions during other students' presentations)
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