Course Reviews on SOCI3452 Selected Topics in Sociology II
Shared by Anonymous
Professor: Professor Jin SUN
Course Description
The course is now renamed as UGEC3893 / SOCI3241– Introduction to Global Sociology. Basically, this courses claims that it introduces undergraduate students to the knowledge world of global and transnational sociology, and the sociology of law, globalization and global governance, in which it will offer a guided entry into the complex ideas and writings of the sociological, political and legal scholars. It also claims there are guest speakers from international financial organizations as part of guest lecture. However, there are serious problems (to the point it is borderline professional misconduct from the instructor) regarding the course and there are serious inconsistency regarding actual course content and the course outline as highlighted below, which I highly suggest the students to avoid this course at all cost or immediately late-drop it. I will elaborate the above points as below:
Group project is 40% (consists of 30-45 minutes presentation and 3000-5000+ words literature review). Individual essay is 3000-5000+ words of literature review. However, the class is rather to "do your assignments" rather than actual learning. Instead, the instructor kept on broadcasting Youtube videos non-stop and mostly consist about the student presentation. How is it different from learning from Youtube? If I were to choose between watching international news or attending this class, I would prefer the former and felt I have wasted my tuition fee and my valuable time for this crappy course where the lecturer has almost no input in learning. Besides, you cannot skip any of the classes as attendance consists of 30%. In addition to this, Prof Sun constantly boast about his connections, his expertise and brags about his research work, rather than teaching - so this course is about letting Prof Sun to show-off himself and make the students felt they are inferior.
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SOCI3452 Selected Topics in Sociology II